GIS consultants and data analysis for Viticulture GIS consultants and data analysis for the Timber Industry GIS consultants and data analysis for Fire Management and Emergency Services GIS consultants and data analysis for Catchment Management Authorities GIS consultants and data analysis for Public Transport and Logistics GIS consultants and data analysis for Town Planning GIS consultants and data analysis for Economic Development and Tourism GIS consultants and data analysis for Demographic Analysis GIS consultants and data analysis for Agricultural Industries GIS consultants and data analysis for The Environment and Climate Change Adaption GIS consultants and data analysis for Land and Natural Resources GIS consultants and data analysis for Public and Private Asset Management GIS consultants and data analysis for Local State and Federal Governments GIS consultants and data analysis for Retail Market Analysis GIS consultants and data analysis for Residential Market Analysis GIS consultants and data analysis for Commercial Market Analysis

Projects - a selection

City of Wodonga Land Development Trends 2014-15 to 2017-18

Walker Geospatial was contracted by City of Wodonga to analyse key land development data for the municipality and produce maps and charts of the trends identified from the analysis.

For all 4 successive years' reports, 5 year historical trend analysis was used to show the changes in development activity across the municipality for residential, commercial and industrial land development. Council requires an understanding of how the city is growing, where it is growing and at what rate of growth. Council needs to determine if sufficient land is available to meet market demand and to identify consumption and production trends impacting the city.

While the Land Development Trends Report is primarily a tool for council's strategic planning processes, the report serves as a vital decision making tool for current and potential developers in the city. Having up-to-date and accurately analysed data in relation to development rates and property markets will assist in determining where and how to stage development.

A pilot interactive web viewer has also been developed using a selected subset of the analysis to provide an example of how this information can be presented to a broader audience. Simply click this link or the image to activate the pilot interactive web viewer

Gold Coast City Council Drive Time Analysis

Walker Geospatial was contracted by Resource Innovations to produce 20 and 25 minute drive time mapping and population analysis to assist Gold Coast City Council's analysis of its waste facilities' services. The focus of Walker Geospatial's involvement centred around the impact of travel times on users of the facilities and the volume of residents affected within each 'capture' zone.

The purpose of the analysis was to better understand whether the current waste facilites provided by council adequately serviced all residents within either a 20 or 25 minute drive from home, if there were any gaps or overlaps, and volume or percentage of residents affected. Given the number of waste facilities within the council area, it was expected that many residents would have access to more than one waste facility within a 20 or 25 minute drive from their home. If this proved true, the question then became how many facilities were accessible to residents, and how many residents had access to 2, 3, 4 or more facilities within a 20 or 25 minute drive?

This then allowed for an understanding of how many residents have 20/25 minute access to multiple sites, and whether council should consider consolidation or expansion of facilities.

For an animated demonstration of a sample of the analysis, please click on the image.

Sample analysis of Gold Coast City Council drive times to/from waste facilities

GeoScienceBC Predictive Mineral Mapping

Walker Geospatial, subcontracting through Telemark Geosciences, provided the predictive thematic mapping for GeoScience British Columbia’s Advanced Analysis of the QUEST-South Stream Sediment Geochemical Data project.

The research project generated a series of predictive maps based on probability estimates for various mineral deposit types in BC’s South Central Region. The research is based on combining existing stream sediment geochemical analyses and various classes of mineral deposit types from the BC MINFILE database. The resultant maps provide insight into where increased mineral resource potential was identified with measures of likelihood (probability).

The purpose of this research and the mapping output is to assist companies, governments, communities and indigenous groups with making decisions about mineral exploration activities. It is expected these findings and outputs will create new mineral exploration activity within the British Columbia study area.

For further information relating to this project, please visit:

A sample of the mapping can be viewed by clicking on the image.
These are only a few examples of projects undertaken